The Covid-19 Pandemic has devastated our world, our nation, our community. We have lost so many lives, some of which we had the honor and privilege to take care of. Thousands and thousands of families have been swallowed up in a sea of despair and sadness. Now is the time to end this nightmare.
As Healthcare workers, we try to do are best each and every day. We wear our masks, our gowns, our gloves. Donning and Doffing throughout the day. We serve our patients, we protect ourselves and our own families.
Now it’s finally time to take the next step in our fight against this catastrophic and historical event. This is the beginning of the end to this horrific event, while continuing to serve our patients and protect them from illness and death.
As a frontline healthcare worker, it is our duty to protect ourselves as we protect our patients. Do not live in fear. Get educated on the science, get in line, get vaccinated. Thank you.
Michael Meza, M.D.
North Idaho